Hayden Lake Watershed Improvement District (HLWID)
Online Privacy Policies
Welcome to the Hayden Lake Watershed Improvement District website! We respect your privacy and are committed to being transparent regarding the optional personally identifying information (PII) you choose to share with us. Please note we do not collect PII about you when you visit our site unless you choose to provide such information to us. Providing such information is strictly voluntary.
What is “Personally Identifiable Information?”
This term, abbreviated at PII, refers to any information that identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name, address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles, social security number, and credit card information. Personally Identifiable Information does not include information collected anonymously (without identification of the individual user) or demographic information not connected to an identified individual.
What information do we collect automatically from your visit?
The HLWID uses Google Analytics to track website usage automatically by collecting the following information:
- Session source
- Session statistics
- Approximate geolocation
- Browser and device information (device type, operating system, and screen resolution)
No other information is collected. This information is collected anonymously; it cannot be used to ascertain the identity of site visitors or to harvest PII about individual visitors.
What do we do with automatically collected information?
We use the information we collect to understand how our site is accessed and navigated. This helps us make future visits to our site more enjoyable and meaningful.
We are committed to respecting and protecting the personally identifying information you voluntarily provide.
What personally-identifying information (PII) do we collect, and how is it collected? On the https://haydenlakewid.com/website, PII is collected and saved through web forms. Only the information that a visitor intentionally enters into the form fields will be saved and only when the submit button is clicked. If you leave the form page at any point before clicking the submit button, your information will not be saved. There are six opportunities for site visitors to provide personally identifying information. Participation in any of these is always voluntary.
- Click a button or link to Sign Up to Receive Hayden Lake Watershed News. You will be asked to provide your email address, first and last name, and connection with the watershed. Only the email address field is required.
- To submit a comment on a News From the ‘Shed BLOG post, you will be required to provide your name and email address along with your comment. The IP address of your Internet Provider is collected automatically. Your name will be displayed to other site visitors, but your email address will not.
- To participate in the spring Lake Debris Removal Program, lake residents must complete the Registration or Permit Form, which collects first and last names, phone numbers, email and property addresses, and IP addresses. Only the email address and phone numbers are required fields.
- Complete the Contact Us form to reach out with a question or comment. The form asks for your name, email address, and a message. Only the email address field is required.
- Occasionally, the HLWID will embed a poll or survey in a BLOG post. Polls or surveys may or may not ask for the participant’s first and last names and email address. If they do, these will not be required fields.
- Click a mailto link to send an email message to a Board Member or an officer of the HLIWD. The HLWID will receive any PII automatically included in your outgoing email. This will, at a minimum, include your email address. We have no control over what other information you provide in an email.
What do we do with personally identifying information that you voluntarily provide? If you Sign Up to Receive Hayden Lake Watershed News, the information you provide will be used only to provide you with more targeted content as follows:
- We will add you to the HLWID email distribution list. From us, you will receive periodic updates via email on newsworthy, watershed-related topics. We may also send you information about the HLWID organization or contact you individually regarding special issues relevant to your location within the watershed.
- We will share your information with the Hayden Lake Watershed Association (HLWA), a citizen’s voice organization that shares the HLWID mission. From the HLWA, you will receive one annual solicitation to join the Association and two bi-annual newsletters. If you are a member or choose to become a member of the HLWA, they will communicate with you according to the HLWA Privacy Policy displayed on their website.
- HLWID will not sell or give your PII to any other entity or organization without your permission.
If you comment on a BLOG post, register for the Lake Debris Removal Program, participate in a poll or survey or send us an email, your information may be used to contact you directly and only to address any needs related to your participation in that opportunity. In the case of comments or emails, we may forward your communication to other persons or agencies who are better able to meet your needs.
We want to be clear: we will not obtain personally identifying information about you when you visit our site unless you choose to provide such information to us. Providing such information is strictly voluntary. Except as required by law, we do not share any information we receive with any parties outside of the entities specified above.
You may opt out of receiving future communications from form submissions at any time. See the “Opt Out” section below. We are committed to enriching the value of the Internet for all users without compromising the privacy of our visitors or the integrity of the HLWID.
Being a part of the Web.
Owners or developers of webpages outside the HLWID site are not required to obtain permission to link to our site. If you have a link you would like us to consider adding to our website, please send an email to[email protected] with the subject “Link request.” We reserve the right to accept or decline any link request.
Disclaimer: Link Security
Throughout https://haydenlakewid.com, we provide links to other websites which may have information of interest to our readers. We take no responsibility for and exercise no control over the organizations, views, or accuracy of the information on other sites nor for their privacy policies or security. Always use caution when following links to other sites.
Use of Text and Images
The Hayden Lake Watershed Improvement District holds the copyright for all text and images posted on this website unless otherwise noted by adjacent attribution.
If you would like to republish HLWID text or images, please send your request to [email protected]. If wishing to republish another’s text or images, please direct your request to the original copyright holder.
This Web site is designed to be accessible to visitors with disabilities and to comply with federal guidelines concerning accessibility. We welcome your comments. If you have suggestions on how to make the site more accessible, please send email to [email protected].
Kids and Privacy
We do not intentionally collect personally identifying information from or about minors. If, for example, we receive any PII from a person who appears to be a minor through email, we do not retain the information. Please get in touch with us if you believe a minor or individual under your care has inadvertently provided PII to us. We will honor any removal request.
Opt-Out or Change Your Contact Information
Our site allows users to opt out of receiving communications from us through a special online form. You may choose to receive only specific communications or none at all. You may also update your contact information previously provided through another online form. These forms help you to manage your communication preferences, including preventing unwanted communication. However, they are not used to remove you from our database.
Should you wish to have all of your PII removed from our databases, email us at [email protected] with the subject “Delete my PII request.”
Questions about our policies
If you have any questions about this privacy policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, you can contact us:
- By email: [email protected]
- By using our contact form: https://haydenlakewid.com/contact/
- By USPS mail – Hayden Lake Watershed Improvement District; P. O. Box 0161 Hayden, ID 83835