Lake Manager: Todd Walker

Todd Walker has served as Lake Manager on Hayden Lake since 2005. Todd received initial funding from Kootenai Environmental Alliance and the Hayden Lake Watershed Association. With their support, he monitored the lake’s water quality and worked on projects to benefit Hayden Lake. He helped implement the S.E.E.P. watershed science education program. Through this outreach, foremen, contractors, construction workers, and those working near waterways learned to protect the water from their activities. Now contracted by the Hayden Lake Watershed Improvement District, Todd continues to manage data collection of the District’s South Shore Runoff study and the Northern Arm Nutrient study. He keeps his eye on activities around the lake and throughout the watershed and responds to resident concerns. He has worked many strong years with influential policymakers to build a better future for Hayden Lake.
Lake Manager Assistants
Forrest Walker

Forrest Walker graduated from the University of Idaho in 2015 with interests in limnology, rangeland, and statistics. He continued his studies, completing his Masters of Applied Physics at Colorado State University in 2018. Past projects include the Palouse Prairie Remnants Assessment Project. There, Forrest suggested the use of the dates of gravesites to assess the spread of introduced plant species into the remaining historical Palouse Prairie Plant Composition. He has also consulted on private pond remediation near Moscow, Idaho. And, Forrest has helped Todd with Hayden Lake projects such as monitoring the effects of boat waves on shore stability. He now joins Todd in the ongoing duties of Lake Management.
Corey Koerner

Corey first began working with the Hayden Lake Watershed Improvement District in 2015, following his participation in a study about the effectiveness of phosphorus removal via floating treatment wetlands. He graduated from the University of Idaho with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science in 2017, focusing on nutrient enrichment, lake water quality, and harmful algal blooms. Corey works diligently alongside other members of the Improvement District to maintain a clean and enjoyable Lake. He is responsible for sampling surface water, analyzing water quality data, implementing lake management policies, and helping to design projects that monitor or protect the quality of Hayden Lake’s water.
Contact the Lake Managers at [email protected], (208) 771-0525 or via any of the District’s social media pages.