As posted previously, we are collecting abandoned, derelict docks and debris, liberated by winter weather and floating free or inadvertently marooned on your lake-front.
What’s new with this posting is our on-line permitting process. Fill out the form below and your permit will be immediately available for download, and it will be emailed to you as well.
Remember that the collection area is located past the sandbar at camp Mivoden, at the far end by the dike road. Remember also to safely tether any derelict docks or debris either directly to the shore, to the line provided, or to another dock that is attached to the shore. We don’t want any of these floating/sinking hazards to find their way back out into the lake.
May 31 is the deadline for delivering docks/debris for District-sponsored removal while the water is high and debris can be safely floated off the lake.
While you’re there, wave at the video cameras posted at the drop-off site to monitor the dock/debris collection process. Video records will be used to follow up on any complaints about the derelict dock removal process.
Finally, while the District has sponsored derelict dock removal in years past, the permitting process and video surveillance are new. We want to help with spring cleaning on the lake, and at the same time encourage everyone to do their part as well. If you come up with some great ideas for how to further improve this process, let us know.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call our Lake Manager:
Todd Walker
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