The Eutrophication of Hayden Lake
In 1977, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Eutrophication Survey’s Report on Hayden Lake indicated
In 1977, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Eutrophication Survey’s Report on Hayden Lake indicated
Idaho’s Water Quality Standards which are relevant to Hayden Lake’s impairment are deceptively simple: the
Hayden Lake has long been renowned for the beauty of its clear, cool water, sandy
One lake resident recently asked, “Was anyone concerned about the Clearcut of a large part of Canfield Butte which will fill the creeks and lake with mud for a few years?” The rain that we’re experiencing now makes me think about runoff and brings me back to this resident’s question. After all, this summer saw two significant clearcuts in the watershed. The first is the one mentioned here, on the north-east face of Canfield Mountain. The second is on the north end of the lake, to the west of Hayden Creek. And I too wonder what will happen in these parts of the ‘shed.