New No-Wake Buoys Coming to Hayden Lake
Sixteen new no-wake buoys will be installed at critical points around Hayden Lake in mid-August.
The beauty and abundance of things to do are Hayden Lake’s greatest draw. Generations of lake visitors and residents have enjoyed the clear, cool waters and rocky shoreline. Fishing, swimming, boating, sightseeing, and picnicking number among the activities for all to enjoy. And as we engage in this variety of activities, we also bear the responsibility of preserving this special place for years and generations to come.
Sixteen new no-wake buoys will be installed at critical points around Hayden Lake in mid-August.
Submit comments via the online form for the Honeysuckle Beach Study through February 11.
The City of Hayden plans to build a new, permanent facility to house the Sheriff’s Marine Division boat on Hayden Lake.
Hayden Lake is a special place that many call home, and so many more visit
On April 13, the HLWID hosted the 2021 Annual Spring Community Meeting: Weeds and More. This first in a series of three posts summarizes Jeremey Varley, ISDA’s Noxious Weeds Specialist’s presentation on this year’s invasive and noxious weed treatment plans. (Part 2: Managing Native Plants; Part 3: KCSO on Hayden Lake)
Kootenai’s Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is considering an amendment to the No-Excessive-Wake Ordinance, passed in June 2020: remove the 150-foot limit to the no-excessive-wake zone on the Spokane River, Fernan Lake, and Upper and Lower Twin Lakes. The 300-foot limit on all other county waterways, including Hayden Lake, will remain in effect.
The permitted buoys are in! The buoys earmarked for removal are out! Thank you to all who extended hands, resources, opinions, influence, time, support, patience, money, expertise, and cooperation. Click here to jump to the latest update.
Idaho State Department of Agriculture will treat designated areas of Hayden Lake for Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) during the week of August 20-25, depending upon weather conditions.
How do we get a buoy in front of our property where boats routinely break the distance regulation? They come extremely close to our dock, and it’s not safe! Please help.