May 21, 2019, is election day for all Idaho taxing districts, including the Hayden Lake Watershed Improvement District. Specifically, all three seats of the Improvement District’s Board of Directors are open for election. Each one carries a 4-year term. The traditional roles of president, secretary, and treasurer are internally appointed upon the formation of the new board.

The three current board members have served faithfully through the re-establishment of the Improvement District, beginning in 2015. Each has lent their knowledge, experience, and connections throughout the community and the state to ground the work of the Improvement District in the protection and enhancement of the watershed. Board members Steve Meyer and Pat Lund seak reelection. Geoff Harvey will continue to support the Improvement District’s mission as a resident and through his involvement in HLWID’s partner organization, the Hayden Lake Watershed Association Inc.
Eligible individuals who are interested in the mission of the Improvement District – to preserve and enhance the quality of water and the environment in the Hayden Lake Watershed – are called to run for these open positions. To do so, candidates must:
- Own property within the watershed and be in good tax standing.
- File a Declaration of Candidacy with the current Improvement District Secretary.
- Obtain a Petition of Candidacy form from the Kootenai County Elections Office at 1808 North 3rd Street, Coeur d’Alene.
- Fully complete, including petition signatures, verify, and notarize your Petition for Candidacy form.
- Mail to Geoffrey W. Harvey Secretary of Hayden Lake Watershed Improvement District, P.O. Box 0161, Hayden Lake, ID 83835, postmarked no later than March 22, 2019.
Any individual who runs as a write-in candidate must file the same Declaration of Candidacy no later than noon on the 5th day of April 2019.